
Greetings on the Occasion of Sha'alvim's Jubilee Anniversary

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Greetings on the Occasion of Sha'alvim's Jubilee Anniversary

Representing the Board of Trustees, and the Executive Committee of the American Friends of Yeshivat Sha'alvim, we wish the Yeshiva and the תלמידים ,בוגרים וידידים a hearty מזל טוב on the past achievements, and wish חזק ואמץ on future endeavors.

Sha'alvim is a unique place that embodies תורת ישראל עם מדינת ישראל deeply. It is truly a beacon to World Jewry whose בוגרים throughout the world have become vanguards within the global.קהל דתי  I know the American בוגרים the best, and proudly watch as they march forward from their time at Yeshiva to become both religious and lay leaders in the U.S. Beside the ,למדנות the  מידותthey have acquired are role models for others.

But there is work to do. We view our participation in שעלבים as a partnership with our Israeli .שותפים We must build this institution together as a partnership whether it involves theישיבה גדולה  or theכולל  or the expansion of the חוץ לארץ program in Sha`alvim and the Women`s program in Jerusalem. All are with the same goal of.להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה

We have two major projects underway with which we hope you too will be our שותפים. They are the כתיבת ספר תורה and the rebuilding and refurbishing of the dormitories.

The ספר תורה project is especially dear to my heart. Theספר תורה  is the bottom line of .יהדות  Everything flows from it. It represents what we have accomplished, and gives us חיזוק  for further accomplishments. Only by working together will we succeed. The Rosh Yeshiva wrote the first word at our last dinner, and we hope to complete it, אי"ה, at the 50th Anniversary Dinner. It will alternately go with the בחורים when they become soldiers. The cost of the ס"ת has already been spoken for and what is to be raised from those who will participate in the מצוה will go to the Yeshiva.

Our Yeshiva is fifty years old and rejuvenates itself daily. The dormitories are thirty years old. We are embarking on a $5 million program to redo them from top to bottom and build new ones to accommodate growth. You ידידי הישיבה and ,בוגרים should want to seize the opportunity to join the partnership and show your הכרת הטוב in a concrete manner.

As a professional economist, I stand in awe of the development of the Israeli economy, particularly in the past two years when the rest of the developed world was in deep depression. ב"ה Israel is a developed country. In fact, Morgan Stanley, a highly respected American bank, took Israel out of its developing country index and placed it in the developed country index. That is quite an achievement. The building of the Israeli economy and institutions closely parallels that ofיהי רצון .שעלבים  that both continue to grow and that we, as שותפים,  move.מחיל לחיל

David Goldsmith

Chairman of the Board of American Friends of Yeshivat Sha'alvim